Monday, June 15, 2015

Love Your Enemies

The most profound lessons I’ve learned have been disguised as difficult people.
How do I know this? Essentially, we are all reflections of one another. Another person’s actions have more to do with our reaction, than the action itself. When we have an issue with someone, it’s worthy to ask what it reflects within us that we dislike in the other person so much…
At large, human beings are ego-centric.  It’s easier to deem another person’s actions as “negative”, rather than examine our reaction.  Why does this make me feel this way? What is going on in their life to make them act this way? What does it say about me to put up with this type of behavior?
You see, if we all got along and everything was “hunky doory”, there would be no room for self-exploration, understanding & mastery.  We'd all just be cruising through life carefree.. with no desire to ponder outside the box. 
Personally, I find that challenging times, or even challenging people, are what help elevate our minds and souls. If we look at the law of duality, there is always a silver lining in any situation. Difficulties are not without advantages. Troublesome relationships are not without lessons.
I think it says a lot about someone, if they choose to hold on to grudges and anger. So, LOVE YOUR ENEMIES.  As difficult as it may be, it’s best to put yourself in their shoes. Here’s a prime example of how I have utilized this in my own life:
Over the past year, I have felt betrayed by several of my “friends”.  I went through quite a tumultuous relationship and was at the lowest point of my life.  My “partner” hurt me deeply, despite playing the victim and passing the blame of the demise of the relationship on me entirely.  This person took advantage of me in every single way possible. And I let him. It took me a while to remove myself from him emotionally and move on with my life.  Yet, the relationship still left scars that I'll never be able to get rid of. 
I’m not one to insist “FRIENDS SHOULDN’T BE FRIENDS WITH YOUR EX!” that’s just immaturity. But, the extent to which my ex hurt me is the grounds that I felt betrayal.  “Friends” would have the decency to not want anything to do with someone that deeply hurt their “friend”.  Yet, they continued to hang around him, go to the bar he worked at and, simultaneously, prove to me that they did not value ME or our friendships.
Over and over all I heard was, “It’s nothing personal” …. “we didn’t go to see him”... "that's where everyone goes".  For a while, I took it personally.  I was hurt, I was angry and I felt betrayed.

But then, I put myself in their shoes and it made me realize, It wasn’t anything personal.  It was a reflection of their egocentrism and selfishness. They didn't value me as a friend, nor care about my reaction or feelings. Do I want people like that in my life? Absolutely not.  I consider myself of a different tribe….
What does harboring anger towards others really do? What does it say about me? At the end of the day, this brings me to my original point; LOVE YOUR ENEMIES.  Because at the end of the day, they need it most....

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