Friday, November 15, 2013

Sweet Potato Fries

Om nom nom... Sweet potato fries :) This is a quick and easy recipe for this healthy side or snack. I'm literally addicted and after many trial/error batches I've found the right recipe. So here it is:

Prep Time: 10 min (aprox)
Cook time: 20 min

1 organic sweet potato
2 tbsp olive oil
Sea salt (preferably pink Himalayan sea salt) 
Cayenne pepper (dash)
Any additional spices desired

Set oven on bake at 425 degrees
Line baking sheet with parchment paper
Peel and cut sweet potato into (aprox) 1/4-1/2 inch strips
Add olive oil, spices, salt, pepper and sweet potato slices to a bowl and toss to "marinate"
Place strips on the baking sheet and place in the oven
Bake until golden brown, flipping occasionally (usually 10 min each side) 
Remove from oven and let cool on a seperate plate

 ***Remember*** line the strips in a single layer with ample space on the baking sheet. 

Also, in terms of the olive oil, less is more! Don't go overboard, you only need a little bit. 

Packed and ready for the week.  Enjoy!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

ACV Detox Drink

I've been feeling a little under the weather, but drinking this 2x a day has really helped clear out my symptoms. Not only does this elixir eliminate toxins from the body, it may aid in weight loss by revving up the metabolism and curbing your appetite.

Drink this first thing in the morning and mid afternoon (preferably with a straw to keep your  pearly whites healthy... Although lemon has an alkalizing effect on the body, it has a high pH at first!)


12-16oz spring water
2 tbsp organic, raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar (I use Bragg's)
1/2 lemon, juiced
1 tbsp cinnamon
1 dash cayenne pepper (this is optional)


Blend ingredients together and drink on an empty stomach

This is a great detox drink to flush out your system and kick start your body for the day!

Lemon juice is known for it's antibacterial and immune boosting properties. It also helps balance pH levels and alkalize the body (See my post on lemon water).

Apple cider vinegar is my go to detox supplement. ACV is known to remove toxins from the liver/blood and helps aid digestion. Besides cleansing your body, ACV is known to fight fatigue, headaches, allergies, skin conditions, control weight and help regulate blood sugar.

Cinnamon is one of the best antioxidants to help reduce cravings and balance blood sugar

Monday, August 5, 2013

Alkalizing Green Smoothie

Green smoothies are one the healthiest additions to any diet. Not only are they a convenient way to get your daily dose of veggies and nutrients, but they taste amazing. Personally, I'm not a fan of the taste of wheatgrass, but this smoothie does a good job at covering it up :)


1/2 grapefruit (peeled)
1/2 lime
1/4 cup wheatgrass (juiced)
1 celery (chopped)
5 leaves baby spinach
1/2 cup frozen mango
3 ice cubes
Spring water, desired amount


Add iced cubes, grapefruit, wheatgrass, celery, spinach, mango and water
Juice lime and squeeze into mix
Blend until desired texture

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Why I Buy Organic

There’s a lot of hype surrounding organic food. The word organic has been synonymous with a wide range of generalizations; “healthier”, “more expensive”, “a hoax”, “more nutritious”, etc. So what exactly is organic food?

According to the US Department of Agriculture:

Organic is a labeling term that indicates that the food or other agricultural product has been produced through approved methods that integrate cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity.

* Organic fruits and veggies are grown on farms that, by law, do not use genetically modified seeds, pesticides, herbicides, toxic sludge or chemical fertilizers to grow their produce.

* Organic farming does not intentionally leave toxic residue on your food.

* Unlike conventional foods, organic products cannot be irradiated or genetically modified, therefore they do not contain hydrogenated fats, artificial colors, preservatives or have altered DNA.

Irradiated = food exposed to high doses of iodizing radiation, which changes the foods chemical makeup. Thus, resulting in foods with altered flavor, color, texture & nutritional value #healthy #lol

Animals raised organically are not fed genetically modified crops or given antibiotics. ...But aren’t antibiotics a good thing?

Well, yes in certain medical situations but the inappropriate use/over use of antibiotics creates drug-resistant bacteria, or "superbugs". This is detrimental to the animal, and therefore the consumer’s health, since their ability to fight disease and illness may be severely threatened.  What an animal eats directly affects the quality of its meat, milk, eggs, etc. If they are given growth hormones or fed GMO foods, you are ingesting that as well.

So what’s the difference between organic and conventional food?

Left banana = conventional, Right banana = organic

Conventional Agriculture
 Organic Agriculture
Uses artificial chemical fertilizers to feed plants and increase crop yield.
Uses natural fertilizers, like compost and manure, to naturally improve the soil and feed healthy plants.
Uses insecticide sprays to kill pests and help decrease plant diseases.
Uses beneficial insects, birds and traps to reduce pests and disease.
Uses herbicides to kill weeds.
Uses crop rotation, hand weeding and mulching to manage weeds.
Uses antibiotics and medications to kill off disease and growth hormones to increase animal size.
Uses clean housing for animals, a healthy diet with organic feed and free-range grazing to naturally decrease and prevent disease.

Here's a list of reasons why I buy organic:

(1)  Reduced exposure to toxic pesticides
Plain and simple, poison is bad.

Basically, conventional crops are sprayed with herbicide (to prevent/kill weeds) and/or insecticide (to prevent/kill insects). Chronic, long term exposure to certain pesticides has created "superweeds" immune to prevention/elimination. Herbicide resistant weeds are mutating to the point where more and more chemicals are needed on crops. Fourteen known superweeds in the US have morphed to resist glyphosate (active ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup), the most commonly used herbicide worldwide.

Since superweeds continue to grow, biotech companies have worked to "combat" the issue by creating hybrid herbicide mixtures... which help for a while, but ultimately create more weed resistance. The proposed products mix glyphosate with 2,4-d (oh, just a chemical in Agent Orange.. a toxic gas used during Vietnam #nbd).  From 2001-2010 herbicide use increased 26% forcing the agriculture industry to become more reliant on argri-chemicals.

Soo.. why does any of this matter?


The American Academy of Pediatrics has determined that prenatal and childhood exposure to pesticides is associated withcancers, decreased cognitive function and behavioral problems" as well “prevalence to ADHD". Still not convinced?

Long term exposure to pesticides linked to:

Organic products are grown without toxic or chemical pesticides, but they are still exposed to polluting chemicals found in rain and water. Which leads me to my next reason…

(2)  Better for the environment
Toxic and synthesized fertilizer runoff is a major cause of water pollution in the U.S. Years of habitual pesticide abuse has built up in our water systems, contaminating everything from rain water to drinking water. Research has indicated that the herbicide glyphosate is omnipresent in America. Even the air we breath is polluted from pesticides via aerial drift. Oh, almost forgot to mention that honey bees are being wiped out at an exponential rate from pesticide exposure.

(3)  Not genetically modified
Genetic engineering alters the DNA of food to create unnatural, yet desirable traits.  It’s much like the movie Splice, where scientists insert genes from one organism into another, creating a hybrid species. GE crops are not naturally produced in nature, but are altered in a lab with genes of other plants, animals, bacteria, etc.

Biotechnology companies claim genetically engineered (GE) crops benefit agriculture, since some crops are manipulated to become herbicide tolerant (herbicides kill the weeds, not crops) or insect resistant. GE foods are new to the human diet and their effects have not been studied long term. The FDA does not require premarket testing or labeling of these foods, so basically, we have unknowingly been science experiments for the past two centuries. Cool.

(4)  Avoid hormones and antibiotics in food
Non-organic animals are often injected with synthesized hormones to speed or increase growth. These animals are often kept in confined, dirty spaces where disease runs rampant. Antibiotics are often over-administered to prevent infection. Conventional livestock is fed GE feed so you eat that as well. As I said before, whatever your poultry, meat, pork, etc. has consumed, you will also consume. Yum!

I didn't write this with intention to scare anyone into eating organic, but to inform and bring awareness to the subject.  Most people cling to their assumptions of organic food, but few educate themselves. Until this past year, I was clueless on what I was feeding my body and only cared about the calories and nutritional value of my food. Personally, I eat organic whenever possible but who am I to tell you what or how to eat? That decision is entirely up to you :)

If you'd like to do your own research some good info can be found here:
Center For Food and Safety
Organic Information
Organic Consumers
Food and Water Watch

Monday, July 29, 2013

Benefits to Drinking Lemon Water

Over the past few months I have ditched my morning "coffee-before-speaking" ritual. I now start my day by drinking a glass of lemon water! This may not sound too appealing (compared to a cup of coffee loaded with milk and sugar), but I have really noticed a difference in my health! Instead of getting a quick fix of caffeine and dehydrating my body with coffee, the lemon water provides ample hydration, nutrients and gradual energy throughout the day.

You should be using spring or purified water, fresh lemons (organic if possible). Use half a lemon per a glass of water and drink before eating, drinking, etc. Here are a few health benefits:

Aids In Healthy Digestion
Lemons are high in vitamins/minerals that aid in digestion, making them a natural detoxifier. Drinking lemon water first thing in the morning kickstarts the body's digestion process. Lemon juice also relieves heartburn and bloating.

Natural Cleanser/Diuretic
Lemon water helps flush out unwanted toxins in your system. The lemon juice stimulates the liver and increases detoxification.

Boosts Immune System
Lemons are high in Vitamin C, potassium and phytonutrients which all aid in enhancing the immune system.

Balances pH Levels
Although lemons are an acidic fruit, they have an alkalizing effect on the body. Disease is prominent in an acidic bodily state, so eating high alkaline foods (such as lemons) helps create pH balance in your body.

Aids In Weight Loss
Lemons contain a high level of pectin fiber, which helps decrease hunger cravings. Warm lemon water is a well known appetite suppressant.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Berry Kale Green Smoothie

Drank this organic, antioxidant rich smoothie as a post workout snack .. yum :)


5 kale leaves
1 cup frozen blueberries & strawberries
4 cherries, pitted
1/2 cup flat leaf parsley
1 tbsp ground flax seed
1/3 cup unsweetened almond milk


Pour into blender and puree until smooth

Interval Elliptical Workout

Lately I have been alternating between cardio and strength training workouts. Some days I will incorporate both, but today was strictly cardio.


10 minute jog on treadmill
(.5% incline, 5.8 speed)

Calories burned: 70

Interval Elliptical Workout:

Minutes             Resistance
  1-3                         3
  3-5                         5
  5-10                       8
 10-12                      3 (backwards)
 12-15                     10
 15-20                      5
 20-22                      8
 22-25                     12
 25-30                      3 (backwards)
 30-32                      5
 32-35                      10
 35-40                      8
 40-42                      5
 42-45                      3

5 minute cool down

Calories burned: 570

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Strawberry Infused Iced Green Tea

Summer is almost here! After a while, water tends to get boring, so why not hydrate with a tasty, antioxidant-rich infused water?

I have been brewing this tea for the past few weeks and not only does it keep me hydrated and energized, but it's light and tastes delicious.


4-5 cups water
3-4 green tea bags (I used Guayaki Yerba Mate Organic 'Greener Green Tea")
5 strawberries (organic if possible)
1-2 tsp agave nectar


Dice strawberries
Bring water to boil, then remove from heat
Add green tea bags, strawberries and agave nectar
Let seep for 10-15 minutes
Strain out strawberries and tea bags
Once liquid is room temperature, place in pitcher and put in the refrigerator
Serve over ice

Friday, May 31, 2013

Chasing Temporary Highs

Well, well, well - Long time no blog!

If the title had you instantaneously singing Stacie Orrico's "More To Life" (there's gotta be more to lifeeeeee than chasing down every temporary high, to satisfy meeeeeeee) in your head, you're not far off base from what I'd like to touch on today.

Hearing this song on the radio lead me to think about my experiences over the past few months. Everything I wanted was manifesting in my life: I was working towards my dream career, reached and sustained my goal weight, was in a relationship with a wonderful guy and finally had down time after a chaotic senior year of college.  Despite all the great things I had going for me, I felt incredibly.... unsatisfied, lost and stuck.

I may come off sounding ungrateful, but that couldn't be further from the truth. I was grateful and happy, while those things were making me happy.  I was seeking happiness externally by chasing temporary highs.

We all have our "highs" whether they be alcohol, sex, status, academic success, weight control, drugs, shopping, people, eating, wealth, partying, relationships, strict routine, etc. They all share the same commonality; as crutches that provide short lived periods of elation.

My incessant search for happiness only resulted in temporary novelty, not true fulfillment. I was chasing goals and accomplishments in an effort to feel satisfied. Time after time I would achieve a "high" to only crave another soon after. The more unhappy I felt, the tighter I would cling to my external sensory pleasures. I, like so many others, began to neglect myself.  Thus, the cycle continued on.

Why do we do this? Well, because it's easy. It's much easier to deflect our feelings or place the blame on something else. It's easier to say "I'm lonely because I don't have a boyfriend" than to admit "I'm lonely because I don't love myself". It's easier to avoid inner turmoil than to reopen old wounds and face the pain.

Most of us are out of sync with our inner selves, living life on autopilot. We are taught that "this and that" will make you happy: do "this" and get "that" to feel good.  The outside world is not in charge of how we feel, it's merely a reflection of how we feel about ourselves. 

Seeking happiness can only lead to additional suffering. Happiness is not something found outside of us, it is state of mind that can only be attained from within.  This can only be achieved once your awareness shifts from external to internal. Take an honest look at your thoughts and actions for what they are. Set time alone for yourself. Think about what makes you, you - not the superficial or materialistic qualities, but your innate characteristics and passions. Are you happy or is something holding you back? Are your actions based on your innate desires or on others expectations of you? Are you living to make others happy or to make yourself happy? Are you working to pursue your passion or for monetary gain and status? And most importantly, are you being true to yourself? These are just some of the questions I began asking myself before I could fully grasp my reality in it's entirety.

Fortunately, I was placed in a situation that forced me to take a good, honest look at myself. After weeks of deep introspection I finally had a profound realization. Instead of delving into my mind and analyzing every thing, feeling, person and situation that I believed to constitute my happiness, I needed to detach and observe my actions/emotions for what they actually were. I needed to shift my perspective to see happiness existing in the present moment. I believe this is the first step towards true joy and fulfillment.

What I came to realize was that I was unhappy because these things weren't what I was really looking for. I was really looking for inner peace, clarity and love. My mind was too focused on my future wants to acknowledge my present needs. Instead of focusing on me, I was chasing highs: I lost sight of my inner self. From my experience I have learned to except change and value the now rather than clinging to "what will be".

The future is uncertain, so instead of wishing for happiness " day", allow it to catch up to you today. Are you ready to give up the chase?