Friday, September 26, 2014

Know What's Really In Your Store Bought Juice

Found this awesome article about juice labels on and wanted to share (very informative, check it out).

I can't tell you how many people I know think that if something has an organic label than it is "good for you". Or if it says "100% Juice" or "All Natural" that it is healthy (wrong).

I spend way too long grocery shopping, because I legit inspect the ingredients listed on the labels! Call me meticulous, anal, weird, but I care about the quality of the food I eat. If I am paying good money for a seemingly "quality" health product, I don't want to be tricked into buying something for the label alone.

As the picture above demonstrates, 100% Juice does NOT mean anything. Your "100%" juice product is loaded with additives and flavorings that preserve shelf life, enhance color and, in some cases, harm you.

Ever wonder why some snacks and drinks are so addicting? Some of the flavorings added contain MSG, which is a known excitotoxin (overexcites your cells to death, which creates the HAVE TO HAVE IT craving)... It's a cheap factory created chemical that enhances the food/drinks flavor. Hm. Sounds a lot like sugar. No bueno.

For some more info on food labeling and the dangers of hidden additives (for example MSG & aspartame) check out FoodBabe's site, Truth In Labeling, MSG Truth, Experience Life & Natural News

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Dare I Ask

"It’s so easy to judge others as being wrong without ever experiencing the problems that led them to do the wrong things that they did."

Who are you to judge me?

Who gave you that right?

Did you appoint yourself capable enough to make unilateral judgments about my character, life, actions and beliefs?

If so, I apologize - You must be God. Or maaaybe you need to observe the state of your own mind.

Although I may not like it, I do not judge you for judging me...

We are all humanWe all have an Ego. We are literally programmed to judge.

We live in a self centered society, geared to enhance an already over inflated sense of "self" or "who I am" (i,e- Ego). We want to feel important, to feel safe and secure, so we belittle and judge those who differ from us to do just that

Instead of coming from a place of fear, view others with compassion... Put yourself in their shoes, because in reality maybe:

the girl you deem a "slut" has been raped and her self esteem is so shattered that she can't see her worth...

the "idiot" who stays with a cheating partner has been trapped in a cycle of co-dependency, passed on from her own parents and turbulent upbringing... 

the "narcissist" who thinks the world revolves around them, has been shamed for looking different and suffers from severe depression and anxiety, which skews her reality.....

the "weirdo" who talks about energy, etheric realms, astral planes, psychic & paranormal phenomenon has taken the risk to expose themself for who they truly are and what they believe in...

the "flake" who bails on plans, because she is crippled by anxiety and healing from trauma...

Just because you don't understand something does not mean its wrong. 

By judging others you deem yourself perfect, problem-free and better than everyone else. News flash.....NO ONE IS !!! 

If you find yourself not having time to deal with "trivial" problems that inconvenience your self proclaimed "important" life, than maybe it's time to get that ego in check.... 

Next time you catch yourself judging someone, please dare to ask yourself "Who am I to judge" 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

35 Minute Fat Blasting Elliptical Interval Workout

Great 35 minute cardio workout that I like to do at the gym. Burns anywhere from 350-500 calories (depending on your weight/intensity). I usually burn 425-450 calories from this awesome workout.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Positive Thought 9/18/14

Personally, I'm too trusting, loving and kind for my own good. I can't help but see the good in people and believe in their goodness too much. My empathy is a gift; it helps me, but also (more often than not) hurts me. 

With each hurt, I have grown and changed. And this is by far one of the most important lessons I have learned:

I know few things with certainty, but I have learned that no one can take your power away unless you let them

No other person, place or thing holds you prisoner to your circumstances... Except you.

It's time to question your state of mind if you think it's acceptable to feel loyalty towards someone who has not earned it. 

Love does NOT look like anger, resentment, jealousy, judgment and bitterness. 

Differentiate love from loneliness and it will be easier to determine who is worthy of your love...